
Hi, Angela Autsch!

Y = Ylva   M = Micaela   A = Angela Autsch

M: Hi Angela, could I and Ylva ask you some questions?

A: Sure, ask anything!

Y: What's your entire name?

A: Maria Cäcilia Autsch

Y: And when and where were you born?

A: Well, I was born in 1900 in Westfalen, Germany. I was the 5th child in the family.

M: What did you work with?

A: Actually as an adult I became a nun before World war II, but as a teenager I worked as a nanny and later as a worker in a clothe store.

Y: What made you decide to become a nun?

A: Ouh, well it was.. actually I decided it because of my husband.

Y: What happened?

A: He hung himself.

M: Horrible! Could you tell us about the world war II instead?

A: Why not... During the World war II when I were visiting a local streetmarket I mentioned to one of my friend that a German ship had been reduced. At the same time I revalved that I had listened to the forbidden foreign radio.

Y:  What happened then?

A: I got caught!

M: Where did they took you?

A: To Ravensbrück, and two years later to Auschwitz of corse.

Y: Did you get a job there?

A: Not actually. But I were asked to start working as a nazi nurse, but to beacome that I should have had to broke my nun promise, so I said no!

M: What happened then?

A: I started to take care of other convicts in Auschwitz who were ill, lets take for a example that I lied to get extra food.

Y: Why did you die?

A: A year after that I arrived to Auschwitz the building got bombed and I got hurted. Later I died because of my damages.

M: A few more questions:

M: If you would still be alive, what would you influence on one of the big problems today?

A: I probably should be a member in tha Red Cross organization and be working on the field as a nurce. If I wouldn't be a part of the Red Cross I probably would be a member of Amnesty International.

Y: Is there anything that you could teach us or our coming generations what would it be?

A: I could teach you about how hard it was to survive during World War II in the concentration camps and about the World War II of course!

En special bok ( 101 Historiska hjältar, Ola Larso och Brian Palmer)

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